Conversations With God


Have you ever wanted to sit down and have a heart to heart conversation with God?  I know that I have and wondered what would He say?  I mean, really sit down and have a conversation, asking Him the questions that flood my mind, rather than complaining to others or seeking advice from someone else.  I know that His word has many answers, and I have prayed too, but often never heard His voice, I just spoke my concerns.  Then one day, I began to write and this is where I heard from Him first.  Now, I can hear Him better and more often than ever before.  He speaks to us all in different ways, and today I really need to hear His voice.  I feel the Holy Spirit inside of me telling me that it’s time to write and then to listen.  I want to share with you, this conversation with God.  He may not speak to you in the same way, but He does speak to us all in some way.  My prayer is that through this conversation, He speaks to you about questions that are in your heart.  Here are some of my concerns today:

“Why cant life be more of a “vacation” with fun and sun and ac too? 🙂 what’s the deal with so much “responsibility” and bills and work and time away from those that we love? Why are there soooo many struggles and challenges and hate and violence? We watch the news to be informed while it’s corrupting our minds and creating bitterness in our hearts. We go to work, a lot of us to jobs that we hate, just to survive. While others of us try and try to find a job. We either have time to do things or money and no time. I guess sitting at home without functioning ac is getting to me a bit and putting in full time work to find a job is getting frustrating. The bills don’t stop coming in though and life doesn’t wait. It just keeps going. I’m glad that you have answers, God, and can guide me through this stuff because sometimes I just feel stuck. Just saying.”

Now I’m listening and waiting for His Spirit to speak to mine.  Come Holy Spirit and give me clarity and wisdom.

God says:  “I know that you have many questions that are weighing on you, concerns that are stirring inside of your heart and frustrations with your current circumstances as well as the struggles that those close to you and around you are facing.  Thank you for coming to me.  I know what is on your heart and in your mind and I also know what lies ahead.  You know that I love you and that I care about these things that concern you.  You also know that when you focus on the circumstances, they seem so big, yet when you focus on the cross and what’s been done to give you “life” your circumstances seem much smaller.  Sometimes circumstances don’t seem “fair” yet I’m always with you and will provide all that you need.  Have I failed you yet?  At times life seems out of balance and a bit overwhelming and at times like these I can help you make sense of what’s most important and let go of the rest.  Follow where I lead you and you will get to where you are going.  It may be tough at times, but in those tough times you can experience my love for you, even more.  You will be showered with blessings, they start inside of your heart.  Experiencing my peace when the world around you seems so chaotic will give you strength that is unexplainable.  It’s ok to feel hurt by what is going on in the world because many have turned away from me.  But there is something that can be done and it starts with you.  Even in small ways, as you share my love with others, hearts will change.  If these things didn’t concern you, then you wouldn’t do anything, but because they do and you’ve come to me, I’m leading you to make a difference.  No difference is too small.  Each heart that you touch and open to receiving my love can have an eternal effect on another.  Your concerns and frustrations develop a passion inside of your heart.  I have gifted you in a particular way and as you use these gifts to serve others, you will grow and know me better.  I know that sometimes you feel like giving up and turning away from me too, but you know that I am the way to true life.  Your joy is found in me.  Answers to your questions, I have them all.  Ask me anything?  I will help you find your way and I will equip you for the journey.  I am preparing the way for you now.  Do not be afraid of what you see around you and what you can not see.  You will have many reasons, very soon, to thank me for.  Put on your armor, my sweet princess,  and take a stand against the enemy that wants to steal your joy and blind you from seeing my plan.  I will be with you and together we will not only get through, but you will experience life in new ways.  Something is coming and it is good!!!”

I am usually at a loss for words after I hear the voice of God speak to my Spirit in ways like this.  I go back and read His words over and over and over again.  And then later, as I do what He says, I experience answers to my prayers.  It’s a beautiful thing!


Change Transforms Us

Butterfly metamorphosis

Swallowtail metamorphosis

It has been awhile since I’ve sat down and wrote here.  A lot has changed in my life!!  Mostly good things along with a few challenges, but a lot of change.  I’m hearing a lot about change lately, as well.  The last few weeks at church have been regarding the topic of change and how it transforms us.    I felt like God was speaking directly to me.   Have you ever felt that way?  I said a silent prayer asking God to show me what he would like for me to see and was inspired as this poem came to me and as I share it with you my prayer is that we all seek to know him better and become more and more like His son.  Why the challenges?  Why so much change?

Change Transforms Us

God has the ability to shape out hearts
When we allow Him inside and we do our part
What does this mean?  What do we do?
We follow Him in faith, doing what he instructs us to
We also let go of the things that tie us down
Instead of doubting and worrying, we look up and around
Sometimes we must take a step forward, afraid
Getting up, trusting God and thanking him for a new day
We must sacrifice what we want and how we feel
In order to live by what we know and what is real
We were created to be loved by God and to also love Him
He is everything we need, even our very best friend
He blesses us with each other so that we can learn to love more
And to understand that life is more than we saw before
The more we love God, and love others too
We grow in faith, with passion, filled by this love so true
We finally walk through life opening the eyes of our heart
And now we can truly live, our life can now start
As we let go of ourselves and surrender to His plan
Selflessly standing up and taking His hand
Listening to His voice, wrapped in His embrace
Realizing this is a beautiful journey, not a race
Each step is filled with treasures and opportunities to grow
Even challenges, especially challenges, it’s important to live by what we know
That we were made to be loved by Him for the rest of our lives
And to also share this beautiful love of Jesus Christ

Whatever you are going through, I pray that through the change you grow closer to the one who gives you life and allow Him to fill your mind with His wisdom and your heart with His love, bringing into your life, undescribable joy and a peace no matter the circumstances.


Shalom or Chaos


Would you rather have a life filled with Shalom, a perfect peace or one filled with Chaos?  This sounds like a simple question right, well, here’s another.  Would you rather have a life filled with eternal joy, or a temporary happiness?  Asked in this way, it’s quite an easy question to answer as well, how about this one?  Based upon what you know about God, would His plan be better or your plan?  All of these are such easy questions to answer, so how come it’s so difficult to live this way?  Maybe it’s because society has painted quite a picture of what “peace” should be and how important it is to live a “happy” life!  There are so many “self help” books motivating us to be “all that we can be” so that we can be “successful” in the world and have the things that we “want” in life.  But it’s all twisted!  The meaning to our lives is much deeper than we are seeing with our natural eyes.  If we live by the worldly vision of peace, we get along with those around us and go along with the flow, which is good.  But what if God’s plan requires us to step out in faith and face our fears, in the middle of some of our toughest moments?  This doesn’t sound like it would feel “peaceful” huh?  But, have you ever stepped out in faith, like this, and experienced a peace that you can’t explain while doing what you know God wants you to do, even though it’s not easy, and it doesn’t feel good at the time?  This “perfect peace” isn’t JUST a feeling, but actually, more of an assurance.  In fact, Shalom is more about faith that peace will come, as we follow Him.  It’s a trust thing!  And trust is the key to receiving Shalom in our lives and wisdom just makes it a bit easier.  When we understand that temporary happiness is nothing compared to the eternal joy that our loving Father offers than our lives change and the choices that we make, do as well.  When we understand that His plan is perfect and it’s for our best, than it is a bit easier to make it through those tough times.  As we spend time with our loving Father, by reading His word, and praying, getting to know who He is, than it’s much easier to walk through life with Him.  Maybe we don’t understand His plan, and maybe sometimes it is VERY tough to follow, maybe it doesn’t always “feel” good in the moment, but His promises are true and His love is unfailing and when we hold onto this, keep our head up and follow His plan, not only will we reach our destination, but we will grow along the way.  By facing our fears, overcoming challenges, experiencing His strength in our weakness, perfect peace, true joy, while walking in His love.  This is how we become successful!  It’s when our lives reflect a life of sacrifice, giving up our plans to follow His.  The more we give away, the more successful we become.  He blesses us so that we can be a blessing to others.  He has called us to live a life of obedience so that others will see Him work through our life circumstances while molding our hearts into receiving all that He has in store for us.  Not only is His plan for our protection but it’s exactly what our hearts need.  One day we may look back and thank God for loving us so much that instead of giving us everything that we want exactly when we want it that He gives us what we need and so much more, when He says it’s time.  Thank you, sweet Father, for loving us so much!  May we all trust in you and choose a life of Shalom and end the chaos that we have created by turning away from you.

Faith That Moves Mountains


As I’ve been facing obstacles and unknowns about my life, lately, these words keep appearing when I pray, when I read my bible, when others encourage me and I’ve decided to ask God why.  I believe that when we hear a message over and over and over again, God is trying to say something.  Looking at this phrase, “Faith That Moves Mountains” and meditating on it, fills my head with so many questions.  First off, How can I have a faith that moves mountains?  What does that even mean?  What is God trying to say to me? How does that apply to my life right now?  So, taking a moment to ask God to give me His wisdom and I am going to share His words here.

I am going to start off asking God what it means to have a faith that moves mountains?
God says to me:  “Think of mountains as the “big things” that you view as the obstacles in life that are the most difficult to overcome.  Having “faith that moves mountains” allows you to focus on the character of God and to realize that His strength is greater than the mountain that you face.”

How do I have this kind of faith?
God says to me:  “The only way to do this is by first getting to know the character of God and having an intimate relationship with Him.  By praying, reading Gods word and speaking it out loud, your faith will grow.  Words give life or death and they matter.  Both the words that you speak, as well as the thoughts that are in your head.  Faith starts by knowing who God is and then to realize that His plans for your life are intended to be a partnership.  You have a part!!”

What else are you wanting me to see?
God says to me: “I love you and even though sometimes you don’t understand my plan, it is good and it is for your best.  I hear your heart whisper in the night even while you sleep and no one is around.  Your words don’t always reflect what your heart whispers because your mind is focused on your obstacles instead of me.  Although I listen to your words as well, I give you the desires of your heart, because I love you so much!!!  When you lose faith and worry instead, you lose sight of who I am and who you are because of me.  You begin to believe the damaging lies that hold you back from all that I have in store for you.  Faith does move these mountains that block your view from seeing the paradise that will result as you partner with me.  This paradise will fill your heart and it will have an impact on the lives of those around you, as well.  This faith that moves mountains, brings Heaven to earth.”

How does this apply to my life right now?
God says to me:  “This will always apply to your life.  Without faith, you are living on your own, by choice.  Without faith, you are choosing a life without me.  Without faith, you are saying your way is better than mine.  Without faith, your life will be filled will chaos.  Without faith, you can’t experience true joy.  By choosing faith, you choose life.”

Wow!  God doesn’t always speak to me so directly, but sometimes, it happens.  I’m so thankful that God is true to His promises and gives wisdom to His children when they ask for it.  These words are deep and they came from God himself.  I’m so happy that He speaks to my heart, the way that He does.  I should listen more often.




Good Morning Prayer


Good morning Father,

Thank you for another day to walk with you, to hear your voice
Clear my thoughts now, so that I can hear you
You know my heart, help me make the right choice
in each moment, with each word, and each action too
Give me the patience to wait joyfully for your plan
and to always live by what I know rather than how I feel
The closer that I get to you, the more I realize I don’t understand
yet I continue to grow, to see, and to heal
Emotions are strong, but they have no real power over me
You are my strength, my peace, my joy, my song
Help me have courage to let go when i need to and just be
reminiscing of where we’ve been,  I’ve never been alone
From the very day that I gave you my heart,
I begin to truly live and yet, I also begin to die
An awakening begin to happen from the very start
As this relationship began to form between you and I
My plan was predictable, and comfortable and nice
I thought that once I gave my life to you it would just get better
I didn’t have a clue how much I would have to sacrifice
I had no idea of the storms that I would have to weather
Now although I don’t quite know what you have in store for me
I’ve learned to trust in your unfailing love and grace
Please forgive me for not always being able to see
The flesh is weak, you are strong and right now I seek your face
I want to know you, in this season, and every other season too
experiencing your love, as your wisdom guides my way
What is it that you would like for me to see and to do?
I will follow you,  Just lead the way


I love you!
Me 🙂

My Christmas Story of 2015


It seems that every year around Christmas time something pretty big happens in my life to challenge me in my faith.  I have it all figured out and then something happens to change all of that.  That happened again this year.  At the beginning of December, I lost my job.  The reason behind it, from what I was told, was a stupid one.  At least I think so, and so does most others that know.  But anyway, one day I’m an assistant general manager of a hotel and the next day without a job.  As a single mom and Christmas coming and finances already challenging, this was a shock and changed all of the plans that I had made.  The very day that I lost my job, my daughter and I had planned to decorate for Christmas.  I wasn’t in the “Christmas spirit” too much, and the thought of it just made me wanna cry. But she decorated anyway with her boyfriend while I was thinking of how this ruined my plans.  I had plans to volunteer time and  to help a lot more this year.  I felt that I was finally, kind of in a place to do that more.  Yet, after hearing the news that changed everything I was sitting on my patio in shock, helpless, no energy, drained, confused and scared.  “What am I going to do?” was the thought that kept screaming at me.  Sure, I had been reading my bible almost every day and I pray and I was praying in that moment.  I know God’s promises to take care of me.  I’ve experienced His faithfulness time and time again.  So, why was I so scared?  Because, I like to have a plan and I like for things to go smoothly so that I can complete what I feel like I need to.  Or let’s be honest, so that I can complete all that I want to.  I’m not exactly sure why everything happens the way that it does, but God’s plan is perfect.  So much more happened after I lost my job.  I prayed and I updated my resume, started applying for jobs, going to interviews, even trying a few that were commission only, that didn’t work out.  I put forth so much effort, and kept praying for God to open the right door and close the wrong ones.  Well, I guess I just kept going to the wrong door, in fact, I’m still searching.  God promised to provide for me as long as I listened to Him and did what He asked me to.  I did that to the best of my ability, with a bit of complaining at times, but in prayer to see God in it all.  Looking back over the month of December I grew closer to the heart of God.  I learned what it was like to trust Him, to hear Him, to feel His presence with me each step of the way.  And I also know what it feels like to have an enemy right behind me, throwing things at me, in front of me, screaming all of these horrible lies to distract me from hearing God’s sweet, gentle voice.  The enemy, as I learned, is no match for me.  Jesus has my heart and He has given everything that I need to defeat the enemies in my life.  Some days were very emotional, scary and quite challenging, but God always found a way to make my heart smile.  I was surrounded by my loving church family, my family, and friends, old co-workers too,  who stepped in and helped in many tangible ways, but even did this in a way that touched my heart so deeply.  God knows exactly what my heart desires and I’ve learned that as long as I keep Him first, I can see through the eyes of my heart and experience all that is surrounding me.  This blog could be a novel if I wrote, in detail, all of the sweet, sweet things that were done for me during my Christmas month, in fact, that is what I intended for this blog to be.  However, as my heart began to tell the story, it took a different route.  God’s blessings always exceed any that I could dream up and I am a huge dreamer and have a huge imagination.   Just to give you a small glimpse, I was given money, bills were paid for us, a ham was delivered to my door along with flowers, a small Christmas tree was given with ornaments of gift certificates, and so many prayers and encouraging phone calls, texts, and emails were sent.  Every time I turned around I was blessed!!  I also had both of my daughters home for Christmas, which was the best gift of all and what I had been praying for.  God answers all of my prayers and He has a plan for me.  I still don’t know exactly where I am going and I know that I have to do my part, but I trust in Him to lead me and I know that it may get tough, but will be worth every moment.  Christmas this year was a lesson about life.  Jesus was born so that we could truly see through a different set of eyes.  I’ve learned that in order to experience true life, that I must be willing to sacrifice my plan and follow Him, and then we take the journey together.


Did You Remember Me? Will you?


Looking back over another year, what thoughts are you meditating on in your mind?
Take a moment to stop and look where you are before you press rewind.
You can choose to look at many things that happened throughout your year
Those times when you lived by faith and hope and the times when you lived by fear.
You can count your blessings and move forward knowing that more is to come
Or you can focus on the things that you don’t understand yet, and say that life’s not fun
There is a chose in each day, and in every moment, on what you really see.
When you reflected on 2015, did you remember me?
Did you remember that time that you had a rough patch that you didn’t think that you’d get through?
You prayed, and it might have taken longer than you hoped, but I walked through it with you.
Did you remember the time you took a step, hoping for success and failed, at least in your eyes, that’s what you saw?
The truth is that it wasn’t really failure, just a new step, a new beginning, that’s what happens when you get up after you fall.
Did you remember that time when you felt all alone, even though that you were surrounded by people that care?
And wonder, “How is that even possible?”  The answer is that, for a few moments you took your eyes off of me and became unaware.
Did you remember the times that we spent together and you begin to realize that I am so much more than religion demands?
Yet soon after, you worried again about the things that you can’t “do” (control) and the things that you don’t understand.
This is the time to think about where you’ve been and where you are going, not physically but the journey of your heart.
Did you remember me, throughout your year?  Will you think of me, as you think about new beginnings and a fresh start?
You know that I want what’s best for you and you are getting closer to me, you have been for awhile.
My question is “Will you remember me throughout your year, let me lead your life, fill your soul with joy and make you heart smile?”

Spirit vs Flesh


There is so much on my mind today and so much to do, so how do I even know where to start?  I know that I should start by spending some time with God.  I should always begin my day this way, and usually do, but sometimes I don’t and the day is effected.  Today, I woke up and read in my bible for awhile and spent a little bit of time talking to my daughters and texting friends.  It’s difficult sometimes, just to be still, especially when I know that I have so much to do.  What I have learned, however, is that at times like these it’s so easy to follow my own plan for my day instead of God’s.  I can’t hear Him because of all of the other thoughts in my head and all of the distractions.  Even things that are good things for us to do, may not always be good, if they distract us from putting God first and spending time seeking His voice and time praising Him for who He is.  God has been doing AMAZING things in my life lately, so I don’t wanna lose sight of that, of Him.  God, I pray that you keep me on track and whoever is reading this right now, guide their day, lead them in the way that they should go and let them hear your voice and feel your presence in their lives.  We have two options, each day and in every moment, to follow God’s plan or our own.  God’s plan leads to life and peace and His spirit inside of our hearts guide us in the way that we should go.  Our plan leads to death, it is our own fleshly desires that cause us to do selfish and sinful things that ultimately cause pain to ourselves as well as those around us.  Our plan typically follows after the voice of the enemy, and we don’t even realize it.  He does anything to distract us from God’s plan and to manipulate us into believing His lies as the truth.  It’s a battle, a constant battle, between our flesh and our spirit.  Doing God’s plan is right and good, doing what we want FEELS right and good, but it only leads to death (not physically, but spiritually).  Sometimes we don’t even have a plan because the lies of the enemy are convincing us to give up, to stop trying, to hide out in our rooms by ourselves away from the world and do absolutely nothing.   Our plan is easy to follow, but leads nowhere.  God’s plan is a bit difficult sometimes but is so much more rewarding.  The enemies plan is whatever keeps us from God’s plan.  If you’d like a good read, I would recommend Romans chapter 8, this explains a lot about living either by the spirit of God within you or your own fleshly desires.  If we want to see God answer our prayers, then we have to listen to His instructions to our hearts and follow Him.  He knows what He is doing, even when it may not make sense to us.  He sees the big picture and we must have faith in Him and trust in this truth to truly live and succeed in life.  God has planted a seed in my heart and I trust that from this seed beautiful things will grow.  I understand that at times I will lose things, because it is important for this heart of mine to be pruned from the things in life that take away from what God is doing in my heart. I also understand that this seed must be watered, by keeping my eyes on God and seeking all that He is at all times by meditating on His word and seeking to be transformed more each day.  Sure, sometimes it doesn’t feel good, but in the end it’s always worth it.  The toughest part is to hear Him in the midst of the chaos of life.  Staying in His word and reciting His promises help build an understanding of His greatness and His amazing love for us which makes it easier for us to trust His plan.  Some days we will fail, this doesn’t make us a failure.  I have even began my day with God and moments later one challenge after another after another after another presents itself while the enemy is doing everything in his power to keep me from God’s plan and sometimes he succeeds.  Yesterday, was that day.  I couldn’t even hear God’s voice and my day was so tough and not fun.  Even though, I know Him, sometimes I don’t feel His presence.  I know that He is with me but I fall into the trap of believing the lies of the enemy.  I encourage you to recite God’s promises often, to find a few that are related to some issues that you face and have them on hand to recite when you are struggling in those areas.  The path that God has for you is a narrow one and it’s easy to step off track.  But He is always faithful and will always bring you back.  Keep looking up and keep moving forward taking a few moments as you go to be still and seek His face.

God is Faithful


Being a Christian is quite simple, right?  We love God and we love people and as we walk through life having faith in God to guide us in the way that we should go, then everything will be just great.  It’s that simple, right?  Or is this actually simple at all?  How do we love God?  How do we love people, even the rude, mean people and annoying individuals that we meet or are close to?  How do we have faith in something that we can’t see and someone that we don’t know?  What does it mean to walk in His love?  So many questions fill my mind?  I have always had a mind that wants to learn, interested in the things that surround me.  I get fascinated at how complex the most simple things are.  Things that we hardly take the time to notice or think about.  The life of a leaf, for example.  When you look at it, it’s just a leaf, one leaf.  But the life that took place to produce it was quite the process.  Sometimes we can spend too much time thinking about one thing, this challenge that we are facing and forget all of the good things that God has been doing in our lives and it blinds us from experiencing His blessings in our lives and it robs us from the hopes that good things are going to happen and our futures are bright.  I believe that we love God by trusting Him and that we love people by accepting them, encouraging them, walking beside, lifting up, comforting and experiencing life with them.  This too, is an expression of our love for God.  Walking in His love, we offer grace and mercy when someone hurts us, we forgive, we don’t judge because we begin to understand that only God knows the story of their heart.  Sometimes we love someone by walking away.  Setting healthy boundaries is also an expression of love towards ourselves as well as others.  I believe that while we seek God in our lives and get to know who He is and how amazingly faithful that He is, it’s so easy to fall in love with Him and when we do we begin to see everything and everyone differently.  God really only wants one thing from us, He wants our hearts.  He is faithful and when we surrender and give it all to Him, our hearts begin to dance.

A Heart That Smiles


Jesus came to heal us all and not necessarily in a physical sense.  Ever worry about things and you just don’t know what to do?  This worry can actually make us physically sick, as well as stop us from so many things.  It stops us from experiencing God’s blessings in our lives and from being who He has created us to be.  It stops us from doing His work here and the passion inside of our souls begin to die.  We get stuck in a thought process of self destruction without even realizing it.  Is worrying really such a big deal?  Yes, it is!!  And worry leads to fear which is a thief of our joy and our dreams.  I’ve experienced many opportunities in my life to worry and fear as I’m sure you have as well.  I have worried on many occasions and I know from experience, just how much impact that this has had on my life.  Faith has opened my eyes to so much more.  It also gives me the strength to continue to do what God has placed in my heart while He is working out the details of my life.  I follow His lead and do all that I can and then I leave the rest up to Him.  I’ve learned that when something comes up that I would normally choose to worry about, I take some time and spend with God.  I let it go in prayer, telling Him what is going on in my life.  I know that He knows, but when I take the time to pray and talk to Him, it gives me the opportunity to express my worries, and trust that God will help me through.  I then, listen for His voice.  It doesn’t always come in form of a sound, like a voice.  But sometimes it’s in the words of a post on facebook, or He speaks to me through His word, through music, even as the day goes on, He has spoken to me through words from a stranger.  Has this ever happened to you?  You pray and listen and hear nothing so you go about your day and meet someone, who says exactly what you needed to hear?  It’s not a coincidence, it’s God speaking to you.  He does it in so many ways and a lot of times, we aren’t even aware that it’s Him.  I have also learned that when we lose something or someone in our lives that it’s also important not to forget what we have.  I have allowed the shock of losing something or someone blind me from what God is doing in my life and step off of the path that He has for me.  By taking the time to look around and say thank you, it has given me a clearer vision of what God has done in my life and sometimes I can see what He is currently doing in my life.  When I worry, all kinds of thoughts go through my mind and negative emotions can take over.  But, when I look to God and spend time getting to know Him then it makes it easier to trust Him and to follow His Son.  This used to be such a foreign thought to me.  As an independent woman, it’s still a bit challenging for me to be both responsible and dependent on God.  I was so confused of how that is even possible.  I guess you could say, that my life experiences have taught me a lot, and walking with Jesus has given me life.  He has taught me that along with Faith, I have a purpose here.  He has opened the eyes of my heart to understanding that there are others that are placed across my path each day that also need God’s love and the healing of Jesus.  It’s like sometimes we are so caught up in us that we are blinded from the reality and the bigger picture.  Jesus has lead me to helping others while God is working in my life.  In the end, we are actually helping each other and healing takes place in our hearts.  A world that is filled with worry and fear, can be replaced with a world that is filled with faith and courage. When are hearts are all filled with His love, and we follow His lead and allow the passion in our hearts to become our reality then true healing takes place.  A seed is planted and something beautiful begins to grow.